May 7, 2015


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So remember that photo shoot I talked about yonks ago... yeah well I finally got around to editing those photos. Talk about procrastination, right?

When I wrap up a shoot, I'm normally itching to get home and begin the editing process. I love reviewing the images and seeing them almost come to life with the colours I inject in Photoshop. But there are also times where I'll come back from a shoot only to find that I'm really disappointed with the images I created. Sometimes I don't experiment with angles enough; sometimes I find that an image I thought was in focus is, in fact, blurry; sometimes I just didn't think things through and went a bit snap happy without really thinking, 'hold on, what am I actually trying to do here?'

In this particular incident, I was really disappointed with how I handled the lighting. In an ideal world, every photo shoot would be conducted at either sunrise or sunset. Sometimes, when you have to travel a fair distance to a location, you don't have that luxury. Shooting in the midday sun is challenging for most photographers. Sometimes the harsh contrast will enhance your photos and sometimes it will hinder them, majorly. I so desperately wanted to share a couple of images from this photo shoot that didn't make the cut purely because I wasn't thinking things through when I was snapping the images. If I had of taken the time to go through my usual process when crafting an image, I would have had two amazing images that probably would have been my best portraits. Alas, they are now on my hard drive never to see the light of day.

It took me six months to edit these photos because I was so annoyed at myself for those two photos. Sometimes when something doesn't go to plan, you can lose a little bit of inspiration. I edited about twenty images from this day and only two really made me feel unhappy, and that's a pretty good result, in hindsight.

I've presented the images today in reverse to the order they were photographed. Most of my work is narrative based, but it's fairly rare that I will take such a large body of work to be presented as a story. I'm really interested to hear what you all have to say about what you think the narrative may be. 

May 6, 2015

Little Updates


Sometimes I forget that my blog is separate from my other social media accounts. I know that a few of you follow me on my Facebook and Instagram pages, but I also know that a lot of you don't, so I'm just going to take some time to update you all on a few things that affect this blog.

This year, so far, has been absolutely crazy.

At the beginning of the year, Paul and I started looking for our first rental home. It was a very exciting, scary and nerve-wracking time. We began looking for our own place because we had just accepted new jobs, (that at the time were going to start imminently) and we wanted to be closer to work. 

Well, almost three months have passed since we moved into our little abode, and only now are we just starting at those jobs! 

For those of you who are wondering, we are working at a new restaurant called Millars which is opening up tomorrow in Lara, VIC. Paul is going to be the sous/pastry chef and I'm running all of the social media, taking all of the photos, making coffees and pretty much helping out in the café wherever I'm needed. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

This new job is both immensely exciting and dead scary to me. It's my first full-time job. I'm going to be at the same place every day for five days a week and then I'm going have to come home and tackle my university work every night. Yes, I'm attempting full-time work whilst I'm also studying full-time. Not to mention I'm still continuing with my freelance photography job. Someone just kill me now before I fall into a heap of exhaustion.

As I type this, Paul and I have both been awake since 4:30am. Paul's up and in the shower, getting ready to make the frosty, five-minute bike ride to work. He has a very long day of prep ahead of him, getting everything ready for the opening tomorrow. I've been editing photographs I plan to share here shortly and I'm about to get up and do some exercise before hammering out some uni work before heading into the restaurant. This is probably what life is going to be for us now. No more Netflix binges (I'm more sad about this than I would care to admit) or a lot of down time to just 'surf the web'. I'm going to be a hive of productivity - which will actually do me (the queen of procrastination) a lot of good.

This isn't to say that I won't have any time for new photo shoots. Admittedly, I haven't been creating as much for my own personal gain because I've been more preoccupied with my studies this semester. But it does mean is that I won't have a lot of time or energy to write a significant amount of posts on here. In no way am I abandoning my dear blog, but my posts will be a little more sparse and I won't have as much time available to read all of the blogs I follow. 

Being busy sucks but as my Mum/other adults in my life would say, it's part of growing up. 
I wish I could stay a teenager forever.